New Periodic Inspection Requirements for
NYC Parking Structures
NYC Parking Structures
O&S has evaluated, programmed, and managed over 2,000 parking design and restoration projects, hundreds of them being in Manhattan
The New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) now mandates that parking structures be inspected by a licensed structural engineer.
The DOB is currently accepting reports for the NYC Parking Structure Inspection Program, Local Law 126.
O&S can provide an inspection of your parking structure in accordance with NYC’s Local Law 126 New Periodic Inspection Requirements for NYC Parking Structures and file the same with the City of New York.

Local Law 126 applies to :
- Buildings, or portions of a building, used for parking and contain 3 or more motor vehicles, including space inside or under a building.
- Open and enclosed parking garages.

Inspection Deadlines
Parking structures must be inspected every 6 years. Each 6 year cycle is broken down into 3 sub-cycles.


Inspection Requirements
A Qualified Parking Structure Inspector (QPSI) performs an on-site conditions assessment of the structure to determine if there are indications of damage, decay, or deterioration.
O&S has three QPSIs on staff who are ready to help you with all your parking needs.

The QPSI must then file a written report of the findings with the New York City Department of buildings within 60 days of conditions assessment.
The report must classify the parking structure as :
- Safe – In good condition.
- Safe With Repairs and/or Engineering – Safe but requires repair/or monitoring.
- Unsafe – Problems / defects threaten public safety, and the owner shall immediately implement measures to secure public safety.